All Semester Course Lists

Course Layout of Bachelor of Science in Computer Science and Engineering [B.Sc.Engg.(CSE)]


Course Code Course Title Credit Hour Course Details
PHY 111 Physics-I 3
PHY 112 Physics-I Sessional 0.75
CHE 111 Chemistry 3
CHE 112 Chemistry Sessional 0.75
MAT 111 Mathematics-I 3
EEE 111 Basic Electrical Engineering 3
EEE 112 Basic Electrical Engineering Sessional 1.5
CIT 111 Programming Language 3
CIT 112 Programming Language Sessional 1.5
CCE 112 Engineering Drawing 0.75


Course Code Course Title Credit Hour Course Details
PHY 121 Physics-II 3
PHY 122 Physics-II Sessional 0.75
MAT 121 Mathematics-II 3
CIT 121 Discrete Mathematics 3
LCM 121 Communicative English 2
EEE 121 Electronic Device and Circuits 3
EEE 122 Electronic Device and Circuits Sessional 1.5
CCE 121 Object Oriented Programming 3
CCE 122 Object Oriented Programming Sessional 1.5
CCE 124 Computer Programming Contest-I 0


Course Code Course Title Credit Hour Course Details
CIT 211 Data Structure and Algorithms 3
CIT 212 Data Structure and Algorithms Sessional 1.5
CIT 213 Software Engineering 3
CCE 211 Data Communication and Engineering 3
MAT 211 Mathematics-III 3
EEE 211 Electrical Technology 3
EEE 212 Electrical Technology Sessional 1.5
AIS 211 Accounting and Management 3


Course Code Course Title Credit Hour Course Details
CCE 221 Digital Logic Design 3
CCE 222 Digital Logic Design Sessional 1.5
CCE 223 Database System 3
CCE 224 Database System Sessional 1.5
AES 221 Government and Economics 3
MAT 221 Mathematics-IV 3
CIT 220 Web Programming Project 1.5
CIT 221 Information System Analysis and Design 3
CIT 222 Information System Analysis and Design Sessional 1.5
CIT 224 Computer Programming Contest-II 0


Course Code Course Title Credit Hour Course Details
CIT 311 Microprocessors and Assembly Language 3
CIT 312 Microprocessors and Assembly Language Sessional 1.5
CIT 313 Computer Organization and Architecture 3
CIT 315 Artificial Intelligence 3
CIT 316 Artificial Intelligence Sessional 1.5
CCE 310 Software Development Project-I 1.5
CCE 311 Numerical Methods 3
CCE 312 Numerical Methods Sessional 0.75
CCE 313 Computer Networks 3
CCE 314 Computer Networks Sessional 1.5


Course Code Course Title Credit Hour Course Details
CIT 320 Software Development Project-II 1.5
CIT 321 Operating System 3
CIT 322 Operating System Sessional 1.5
CIT 323 Simulation and Modeling 3
CIT 324 Simulation and Modeling Sessional 1.5
EEE 321 Digital Electronics and Pulse Techniques 3
EEE 322 Digital Electronics and Pulse Techniques Sessional 0.75
CCE 320 Computer Programming Contest-III 0
CCE 321 Computer Peripheral and Interfacing 3
CCE 322 Computer Peripheral and Interfacing Sessional 1.5
CCE 323 Optical Fiber Communication 3


Course Code Course Title Credit Hour Credit Hour
CSE 410 Project/Thesis 3
CSE 412 Industrial Training 1
CCE 411 Algorithm Engineering 3
CCE 413 VLSI Design 3
CCE 415 Network Routing and Switching 3
CCE 416 Network Routing and Switching Sessional 1.5
CCE 417 Data Warehousing and Mining 3
CIT 411 Compiler Design and Autometa Theory 3
CIT 412 Compiler Design and Autometa Theory Sessional 1.5


Course Code Course Title Credit Hour Course Details
CSE 420 Project/Thesis 3
CSE 421 Seminar 0.75
CCE 421 Cryptography and Network Security 3
CCE 422 Wireless and Cellular Communication 3
CIT 421 Computer Graphics and Image Processing 3
CIT 422 Computer Graphics and Image Processing Sessional 0.75

Optional Courses

Course Code Course Title Credit Hour Course Details
OPTIONAL Digital Signal Processing 3.00
OPTIONAL Robotics and Computer Vision 3.00
OPTIONAL Machine Learning 3.00
OPTIONAL Parallel Processing and Distributed System 3.00